Undergraduate Team Experience Award Program
2024-25 Solicitation is NOW OPEN | Applications due november 15, 2024
OSGC provides awards to undergraduate team projects that are student-led, research, engineering, or STEM education projects that provide a unique hands-on student experience. Funded projects support NASA's mission and vision, and align with NASA's top research priorities and challenges facing NASA Mission Directorates.
Scroll down for previous recipients and projects.
Student teams at Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium’s (OSGC) member institutions are invited to submit applications to the OSGC Undergraduate Team Experience Award Program (UTEAP). The intent of the Undergraduate Team Experience Award Program is to fund student-led, research, engineering, or STEM education projects that develop a diverse, capable, and prepared workforce in aerospace-related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines and provide a unique, experiential student team learning experience. Projects should be hands-on, research, engineering, or STEM education projects 1) supporting NASA’s vision to explore the secrets of the universe for the benefit of all; 2) aligning with NASA’s mission to explore the unknown in air and space, innovate for the benefit of humanity, and inspire the world through discovery; and 3) providing relevant contributions towards solving NASA Mission Directorate challenges and aligning with the Agency’s top research priorities.
Projects are not required to, but may lead to participation in a national or regional student competition. Examples of potential projects include, but are not limited to, the NASA Micro-g NExT Challenge, NASA University Student Launch Initiative, AIAA Experimental Sounding Rocket Association Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition, NASA Lunabotics Competition, NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge, NASA CubeSat Initiatives, First Nations Launch, and the RockOn!, RockSat-C, or RockSat-X Space Grant/NASA Wallops Programs.
Participation of women, underrepresented and underserved groups in STEM fields, and persons with disabilities is strongly encouraged and should be considered when forming teams. Teams with diversity of membership will be given priority. Teams are required to include a K-12 outreach component for delivering activities remotely or in-person.
2024-25 UTEAP Excel Spreadsheet
Past Awardees and Projects:
George Fox University | M-1 Rocket Project
Linn-Benton Community College | The ROVrunners to Compete at MATE 2024 World Championship
Oregon Institute of Technology | Lava Tube Exploration Vehicle Team
Oregon State University | High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE) Team
Oregon State University | High Altitude Rocket Team (HART)
Oregon State University | OSU Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA) Team
Oregon State University | Solar Airplane
Portland State University | LV3.1: Isogrid Airframe Design and Demonstration for Student Sounding Rockets
Portland State University | minTS: Upgrades for an Electrical Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine Test Stand
Portland State University | OreSat Testing Infrastructure: Making NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) Programs More Reliable
Portland State University | University Class Open Ground Station (UniClOGS): Building a Collaborative Ground Station for NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative Missions
University of Portland | NASA Lunabotics Challenge 2024
University of Portland | NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI)
George Fox University | Trillium Rocket Project
Linn-Benton Community College | The Linn-Benton Surface Autonomous Vehichle for Emergency Response (SAVER) Team
Oregon Institute of Technology | AUVSIR Rover Submarine Development
Oregon State University | OSU Micro Aero Design West
Oregon State University | OSU Solar Airplane
Portland State University | minTS: Design, Manufacture, and Test of an Electrical Liquid Rocket Test Stand
Portland State University | OreSat Solar Simulator: Critical Infrastructure for Student-Built CubeSats
Portland State University | LV3.1: 1/4 Scale Technology Demonstrator for a 100km Capable Rocket
Portland State University | Manufacture and Test of Composite Structures for a 100km Capable Rocket Airframe
Southern Oregon University | Development of a Liquid Crystal Optical Texture Reference Library
University of Portland | NASA Robotic Mining Competition: Lunabotics
Oregon Institute of Technology | AUVSIR Rover Submarine Development
Oregon Institute of Technology | Lunar Lava Tube Exploration Rover Team
Oregon State University | AIAA Design Build Fly
Oregon State University | Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA)
Oregon State University | High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE)
Oregon State University | High Altitude Rocket Team (HART)
Oregon State University | University Student Launch Initiative (USLI)
Portland State University | An Open Source CubeSat Structure for the NASA CLSI Program
Portland State University | Electronic Recovery System with 100km Capabilities
Portland State University | Manufacture and Test of a 100km Capable Rocket Airframe
Portland State University | Test and Integration of an S Band Satellite Link for the NASA CLSI Program
Southwestern Oregon Community College | Aligning Thin Films of Liquid Crystalline Organic Semiconductors
University of Portland | NASA 2022 Robotic Mining Competition: Lunabotics
AIAA Design Build Fly | Oregon State University
Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Intelligent Robotics (AUVSIR) | Oregon Institute of Technology
High Altitude CubeSat Experiment (HACX) Oregon Institute of Technology
High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE) Team | Oregon State University
Launch Vehicle 4: Airframe Design | Portland State University
Liquid Bi Propellent Propulsion System | Portland State University
NASA Lunabotics | University of Portland
OreSat Live: Space-based STEM | Portland State University
Test Stand Automation | Portland State University
University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) | Oregon State University
AIAA Design Build Fly | Oregon State University
Aquaponics as a Food Source for Long-term Interplanetary and Lunar Expeditions | Portland Community College Southeast Campus
Design and Test of the OreSat Cirrus Flux Camera | Portland State University
High Altitude Liquid Engine (HALE) | Oregon State University
Liquid Crystal Solar Cells from Plant Pigments | Southwestern Oregon Community College
NASA Lunabotics 2020 | University of Portland
NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) | Oregon State University
Redesigning the Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) Liquid Fuel Engine | Portland State University
RockSat-C 2020 | Oregon Institute of Technology
Space Debris Detection CubeSat Payload | Oregon Institute of Technology
Surface Autonomous Vehicle for Emergency Response (SAVER): Micro-g NExT 2020 Orion Crew Safety Design Challenge | Linn-Benton Community College
Thermal Testing of Oregon’s First Satellite | Portland State University
Thrust Vectoring Toroidal Aerospike Development | Oregon Institute of Technology
Torqued Ducks: Magnetic Torque System for OreSat | University of Oregon
Creating a Nutrient Map of Empire Lakes | Southwestern Oregon Community College
High Altitude Liquid Engine Team (HALE)/Base 11 Space Challenge | Oregon State University
Oregon Tech Rocketry and Aerospace: Modular Rocket System/Spaceport America Competition | Oregon Institute of Technology
NASA 2019 Robotic Mining Competition | University of Portland
NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) Competition | Oregon State University
OreSat Thermal Analysis: The Thermal Analysis of a 2U CubeSat in Low Earth Orbit | Portland State University
Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) Electromechanical Recovery System/Base 11 Space Challenge | Portland State University
Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) Flight Ready Electric Feed System/Base 11 Space Challenge | Portland State University
Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) Integration and Testing of a Liquid Propellant Engine/Base 11 Space Challenge | Portland State University
Oregon Tech Rocketry and Aerospace Liquid Rocket Engine Development, Oregon Institute of Technology Klamath Falls
RockOn! 2018 Program, Oregon Institute of Technology Wilsonville
Oregon Tech Rocketry and Aerospace Rocket Engine Test Stand Development, Oregon Institue of Technology Klamath Falls
OSU Rocket Team/NASA University Student Launch Initative, Oregon State University
OreSat Attitude Control System, Portland State University
OreSat Structural Design: The Design, Build, and Test of a 2U CubeSat, Portland State University
MARS Team/NASA Robotics Mining Competition, University of Portland
Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA) Spaceport America Cup, Oregon State University
RockSat-X 2017 Hephaestus, Oregon State University
High Altitude Balloon Eclipse Constellation Team: Path of Totality, Portland State University
Micro-Radial Jet Engine, University of Portland
Portland State Aerospace Society Cryogenic Fuel Tank, Portland State University
Portland State Aerospace Society Liquid Fueled Engine Test Stand, Portland State University
RockOn! NASA Wallops Workshop, Oregon Institute of Technology
RockSat-C NASA Wallops, Linn-Benton Community College and Oregon State University
RockSat-C NASA Wallops, Linn-Benton Community College, "Detection and Measurement of Gamma Radiation with the Capability of Detecting and Measuring Polarization"
RockSat-C NASA Wallops, Oregon State University, "Waterbears"
RockOn! NASA Wallops Workshop, Linn-Benton Community College
RockOn! NASA Wallops Workshop, Oregon Institute of Technology
RockOn! NASA Wallops Workshop, Oregon State University
Aerial Robotics Team, Oregon State University, "International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)."
Mars Rover Team, Oregon State University, "University Rover Challenge."
Oregon State Space Society (OSSS), Oregon State University, "Rocket-Boosted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Project."
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Oregon State University, "Design/Build/Fly Competition."
Aerial Robotics Team, Oregon State University, "International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)."
Underwater ROV Project, MATE 2012 "International ROV Competition"
Mars Rover Team, Oregon State University, "University Rover Challenge."
Aerial Robotics Team, Oregon State University, "International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)."
Mars Rover Team, Oregon State University, "University Rover Challenge."
Aerial Robotics Team, Oregon State University, "International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)."
Mars Rover Team, Oregon State University, "University Rover Challenge."
Aerial Robotics Team, Oregon State University, "International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC)."
Mars Rover Team, Oregon State University, "University Rover Challenge."
Pico Satellite Project, Oregon State University