Please join us for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Spring 2024 Spring Student Symposium. This event will be held in-person on Friday, May 17th, 2024 at LaSells Stewart Center.  The symposium will highlight OSGC-funded Graduate Fellows, NASA Interns, OrION Interns, and STARR awardees. Students will present their research projects and share their experiences. 

Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.

This year's speaker will be Randall Milstein, PhD.


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Please join us for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Fall 2023 Student Symposium. This event will be held in-person on Thursday, Nov 9th, 2023 at LaSells Stewart Center. The symposium willl highighted OSGC-funded NASA Interns, OrION interns and students who participated in our UTEAP, and Faculty Research Award programs. Students will present their research projects and share their experiences. 

Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.

This year's speaker will be Aaron Coyner, Ph.D.

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Please join us for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Spring 2023 Spring Student Symposium. This event will be held in-person on Friday, May 19th, 2023 at LaSells Stewart Center.  The symposium will highlight OSGC-funded NASA Interns, STARR awardees, SCORE awardees, and students who participated in our AFRIP program. Students will present their research projects and share their experiences. 

Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Daniel Raible, PhD.

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Please join us for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Fall 2022 Student Symposium. This event was held in-person on Thursday, Nov 10th, 2022 at LaSells Stewart Center. The symposium highighted OSGC-funded NASA Interns, OrION interns and students who participated in our UTEAP, and Faculty Research Award programs. Students will present their research projects and share their experiences. 

Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Michael Lee, PhD.

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Please join us for the Oregon NASA Space Grant Spring 2022 Student Symposium. This event will be held in-person on Friday, May 20, 2022 at LaSells Stewart Center, at 9am. We will be hosting the presentation sessions live on our symposium page and the virtual component will be recorded and kept on our website.The symposium will highight OSGC-funded NASA Interns, and students who participated in our Student Academic Research Review (STARR) and STEM Community College Opportunity for Research Experience (SCORE) Programs. Students will present their research projects and shared their experiences. 

Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Ms. Ali Guarneros Luna, Aerospace and System Engineer, Project Management for the Space Technology Mission Directory, Small Satellite Technology Program and Project Manager for Tipping Points (TP) and Announcement of Collaboration Opportunity (ACO).

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Welcome to the Oregon NASA Space Grant Fall 2021 Student Symposium. This event was held live and recorded on November 12th, at 9am. It highlighted OSGC-funded Graduate Fellows, NASA Interns, and students who participated in an Undergraduate Team Experience Award Project or Affiliate Faculty Research Incubator Program. Students presented their research projects and shared their experiences. We invite you to view the recordings of this year’s symposium and browse the virtual poster hall. 


Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.


This year’s keynote speaker was Avery Brock, NASA SSTP Advanced Development Project Leads Electrical Engineer.


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Symposium Welcome by Adrian Jimenez


Welcome to the Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) 2021 Spring Symposium. OSGC is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.


OSGC provides students an opportunity to work together with a faculty mentor on research projects in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) or STEM education that goes beyond what is taught in the classroom. Participants in the SCORE and STARR programs will present their research projects and share their experiences at this Spring Symposium. We invite you to view this year’s student posters and join the students as they present their projects.


We are excited to welcome this year’s keynote speaker, Nicholas Cramer, Ph.D., project manager at NASA Ames Research Center in the Intelligent Systems Division. Dr. Cramer currently leads the Distributed Spacecraft Autonomy project, developing and maturing autonomous decision making and command and control technologies for distributed spacecraft systems. Dr. Cramer will kick off the event with his talk titled Intelligent Systems from Structures to Spacecraft: A Development Path. There will be an informal conversation/Q&A session with Dr. Cramer in the afternoon.

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Welcome to the Oregon NASA Space Grant 2020 Student Symposium. Oregon NASA Space Grant (OSGC) is committed to providing unique educational experiences and hands-on research opportunities to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines and STEM education programs at our member institutions. OSGC programs contribute to the development of a diverse and qualified STEM national workforce in disciplines needed to support and achieve NASA’s strategic goals and align with the agency’s top research priorities.


OSGC-funded students who participated in NASA or university summer internships; were part of an OSGC Undergraduate Team Experience project; or were engaged with faculty research, present their research projects and share their experiences at the annual Student Symposium. We invite you to view this year’s student posters and join the students as they present their projects.


We are pleased to welcome this year’s keynote speaker, Frederick (Rick) Colwell, Ph.D., professor in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Microbiology at Oregon State University. Dr. Colwell will kick off the event with his talk titled Microbiology of the Planet, One Gig at a Time.

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